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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fall Weather Promotes Stitching

The weather has been cold and rainy for about a week now. Word on the street is that it's going to be warm and summer like today, so I'll probably be outside playing. But with it being so cold, I've been in stitching the last few days. I ended up finishing the October Quaker Square. Only two left to go. I really like how this one came out with the brown on tan.

I've also been working on the abstract a bit. I'm in a section with a lot of color changes, so it's been slow. I'm hoping to wrap that section up tonight and do some turbo stitching over the weekend. I have Monday off of work, so I plan to put in some extra time.

I have a few more exchange projects to work on. I'm thinking I might take a break from the exchanges after I wrap these few up so I can focus on some of the projects I have going here. Next year I'll be working on another installment project which will end up being my traveling project. I still have four of the 12 Days of Christmas ornaments to finish. I should be able to keep myself busy for a while :-).

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