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Sunday, July 15, 2018

Update on the Orange Piece

Today was a delightful day. I had a million and ten things to do, and was able to get through most of them and also find about 30min to stitch. It wasn't a lot, but it scratched an itch. Unfortunately, I will be having shoulder surgery in August, so again I will be unable to stitch for a while...but maybe it will only be for a short while this time. I am hoping I will be able to make great progress, or even maybe finish this delightful piece before then (ok that's a little bit of a high hope).
There has been a good amount of frogging done on this piece. I am hoping I am through all of that and can just focus on adding to the stitches rather than redoing my boo-boos. Basically this is just about 1/4th completed. The upper right, where the large flower is, marks the center of the piece. There is just a bit to go on the lower part to get the 1/4th completion point. Cross your fingers for me!!

Happy stitching (or gardening, or whatever your hobby may be).