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Monday, September 30, 2019

So Many Framed Projects!!!

This past weekend I stopped by my shop to pick up 15 of 16 projects I dropped for framing. I stitched a bit too. Overall I give the weekend an A+ just for that. And here they are...

Boy does that feel good!! The projects were completed over about 10 years. It was amazing to get them all at the same time.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

It Slipped My Mind

As usual, there is so much going on that I lose track of things. I completed a project and then forgot that I had done so...gasp! Back in August, a month ago now, I finished Trouvez l'Intrus. It was a fun project! The title translates to "find the intruder" or in the US vernacular "which of these things is not like the other." I was surprised at how quickly it worked up.

I finally remembered because I decided to visit A Stitcher's Garden to say hi and drop off some projects for framing...15 projects! For some reason I decided to bring the entire box of completed projects with me. There are still over 20 hanging out in the box waiting for something to happen. I hope the framing person, Jackie, doesn't hate me. Oddly, another person came in just after Jan, the owner, had finished writing up all of my framing orders to have another 4 or more done. It must be the full moon.

I'm still plugging along on the letter H. I didn't get a progress photo this week however. I have been so busy because I decided to go back to school for my Family Nurse Practitioner degree. It is the super part time program and I'm happily doing only 2 classes at a time because the union I belong to only pays for about that many credits per year. It is an acceptable course load and allows me to still get in a hike or two on the weekend and some stitching! I am glad for that.