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Sunday, April 14, 2019

Finish and Work on a New Skill

This week was busy, but I carved out some time to work on my stitching. I was able to complete "Here Lies Thy Needle". I had a mixed relationship with this project, but ultimately now that it is complete I really love it
I have no idea what I will do with this it will sit in the completed project box for a while. Someday I will do something with the pile!

I also started learning how to machine quilt this week. This is the first time I have tried freehand quilting. My first efforts are a little rickety, but I expect I will improve as I work my way through the quilt.

I am taking a little time working on my Art Deco alphabet saga for a bit. I am working on the letter E currently The colors are subtle and interesting. I am hoping to make a lot of progress today between the Sunday errands.