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Sunday, January 6, 2019

New Year! Good Year?

Welcome to 2019! My goal for this year is to not take any classes for credit for work . Not that I don't love learning, but I would like to live a little poutside my work hours for a bit! And I would like to take some classes in stitching and quilting!

In the first week of this new year I put together a full quilt top. This is my first ever big quilt. I still need to sandwich, baste, quilt and bind small feat. I'm pretty excited about this.
I saw this pattern online and figured out how to assemble it without a pattern. I'm feeling pretty good about how it looks. I learned so much assembling this. My next quilt top should be even better! I have one that I am planning to complete for my bed, but I wanted to try something else first so I don't mess up too much on the one I will be sleeping with every night.

I also finished up the last of the Zodiac sign projects which I bought from Thailand.
I find it amusing that the Thai company did Zodiac signs. It came out pretty good.

I am in the middle of studying for some certification exams, so I won't be able to stitch a lot during the first quarter of the year. But I am planning to start another letter in the art deco alphabet (Black & White) and finish Thy Needle.

Happy New Year!