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Monday, January 19, 2009

Day Off...

I have the day off of work today in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr's life's work. It's one of the few non-holy holidays in the US that promotes peace and caring. Now that I think of it, it may be the only one.

Calls are out around the nation for people to spend the day engaged in community activities. I'm a little bad in that I won't be doing that today. I don't feel too awful about it though because I visit nursing homes with my dog twice monthly and coach a kids sports team regularly, among all of my other charity activities. If you're not already volunteering on a regular basis, think about it - it's very rewarding and is so wonderful for the people who need help.

This morning I did some baking and then settled in to work a bit on my sampler book. I'm hoping to have a photo of my completed 'B" square up by the end of the day. It's very close to completion.

I also motivated to hang my framed Sunny Day Cat project that I got back from the framing shop on Friday. It looks great in my sun-shiny guest room.
I didn't put in any time on my Abstract this weekend. Between the skating meet (all day Saturday) and messing around the house on Sunday I just couldn't find the time. I'll be putting in some hours on it during the week though. It's so close to completion!

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