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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Flappy Flappy

Last night I hosted my stitching group at the local town hall. It's still sparsely attended, but I know that people will start showing up if I keep sitting there. It's a small town filled with craftspeople after all.

When I got there I set up camp and started working on my letter "I" project. After a couple of minutes I heard some odd scratching sounds and got up to investigate. All of a sudden a flappy thing rounded the corner. There was a bat in the belfry - it actually is a building with a belfry which is now a clock tower.

I opened all of the doors and tried to shoo it out, but the poor little booger was so exhausted that it kept running into the wall and dropping to the floor. I finally fell down behind the piano so I wandered next door to the town clerk's home (I'm not kidding - it's a small town). She was in watching her neighbor's kids, but she left them there with her husband and came over to give me a hind. We found a butter tub. The poor bat was still on the floor behind the piano hyperventilating. I was able to scoop it up and get it outside.

We went back in to chat for a couple of minutes and put the room back together. After about 5 -10 minutes I stuck my head out of the building. The little guy was still on the ground :-(. I gave him a little more time and then went out to shoo him away. He was so cute - I hope he made it.

And in stitching news: I'm almost done with the "I" but I stayed up too late last night reading Ender's Game and feel the need to hit the sack early.

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