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Sunday, September 30, 2018

Crusty Exterior, Soft and Squishy on the Inside

So I decided that I wanted to work on a new project, so I did. So much for my plans to knock out a bunch of my WIPs before starting anything usual :-). A close friend of mine and I share the same birthday, so I decided to make him one of my horoscope kits I got from Thailand (I'm sure there is some irony in this). I knocked it out in a few days:
I have a few more kits like this, but I think I will try to complete 2 more letters in the Black & Whie project before I start the next one. I think that's fair... 2 WIPs completed before 1 new project.

Overall it was a lazy weekend of me reading and stitching punctuated by cleaning the hot tub and taking in a bunch of yard things now that the weather is turning cold. Soon my shoulder should be healed enough that I can exercise more. I'm not sure if I want to sacrifice my reading or my stitching however. This is working out for me currently!!

Back to stitching! Too bad I can't do it while I'm sitting in the hot tub.

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