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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Something Long Awaited and a Trip to the Shop

Surprisingly I have been stitching more consistently lately! I have made good progress on my delightful "orange piece" and am quite happy with that. My furniture, which might have been eaten a bit by the dogs in March...
...was returned newly reupholstered...
...and I was cleaning the craft storage area a bit and found about 18 unfinished projects. I guess I have more to do!

Meanwhile, I recently (finally) had some shoulder surgery so I thought I was going to be knocked out of stitching again. So sad. But it turns out that, since it was my right arm, I can hold a piece or use a frame and just go ahead and stitch with my left arm...YAY!! So I have been able to use my recovery time to relax a little and enjoy myself. Not that my time hasn't been filled with all those things one puts off while they're working (doctor appointments, minor chores, sleep, etc.). But I have been able to find a little time to work on one of my newly rediscovered WIPs...
I can't drive anywhere so I have to sucker friends into taking me places. Fortunately, I recently discovered my friend Anna, who has been my chief chauffer, is a stitcher. Again...YAY! Tuesday this delightful human took me an hour to Utica and as a reward I took her to the quilting shop Calico Gals. She found some great stash and I found a sewing machine that I need to replace my previous one. I am excited to be picking it up in a couple of days!

Today I needed to go to a couple of doctor appointments, so again Anna volunteered to take me around (I really, really appreciate her). So today I introduced her to A Stitcher's Garden. After she cleaned house there I am wondering if her husband is going to start asking a few more questions before we go on trips together in the future. I would like to note that Matt (her husband) is a longtime friend of mine and, frankly, I question his judgement as a result of this :-D. 

Of course, I did not leave empty handed from the shop. I picked up a few new patterns and also a delightful scissor fob:
 All Through the Night's "Blackbirds"
 Heartstring Samplery's "Once Upon a Summer Huswife"
 Rosewood Manor's "Swirling Flowers"
Rosewood Manor's "Two Blue Birds"
What a fun trip! While I was there I was able to catch up with one of my friends from the annual stitching retreat. Buuuuuut, I think that I shall now avoid the stitching shop for another six months or so!

Hopefully I am able to get most of my errands done this week so I can continue to concentrate on healing...and stitching!

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