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Friday, March 20, 2009

Long Time Coming

OK it's been a while since I posted. I got a bit caught up in the end of the skating season. I'm glad I did because I ended up getting a good ranking for the end of the season. But now it's spring and I'm attending the "Nature's Beauty" stitching retreat with my LNS.

This evening we took a class in needle felting. The goal was to make a bunny. Here's the beginning of one of the "campers" projects...
So, do _you_ think this looks like a bunny?

They got better though. This one is mine - he's a little bummed about life, but his ears came out OK!More to come.....


Cyndi said...

Okay Jenn. Look at your title. Look at what you're holding in your hand. No, it does not look like a bunny. I"ll get my mind out of the gutter after I giggle a bit longer.

Jenn Entropy said...

Too funny, eh? We were all dying when someone pointed that out!

Shadowspun said...

Bunny? Yeah, right.