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Monday, January 18, 2010


Yesterday I finished a gift for a close friend of mine. I was up against the deadline, not so much because the person for whom it was made had appeared, but because I was in the country where she lives and figured it would be easier to get it to her there than try to post it later. So here it is...

The idea to decorate a onesie was one of her friends. I think it's a great idea; however, a practical person and responsible mom-to-be pointed out that she feared getting decorated onesies with glitter and puffy-pens that would not be wearable. The stitched one met the cut ;-). I just hope its not too scratchy on the inside!

I did a little on last year's stitching retreat sampler today, but mostly I was knitting because I have a scarf that I feel should be finished before summer.... but we all know how that goes!!

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