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Friday, July 3, 2009

A Little Late

I completed the third page in the sampler book a little over a week ago. I've been a bit slow in getting around to posting it :-). There are letters in the sky above the castle, but they are white on white and so are a bit difficult to see in this photo.

I started on the letter D. We're going to head to Canada today, so I'm hoping to get some time in on that one in the car. Possibly I'll be able to finish it during the drive?

I've been doing a bit of work here and there on my traveling projects. Unfortunately a bit of life caught up with me over the last week, so I didn't get to use my lunchtimes to make progress on those.

I was able to make a big dent in the second Macaw last week. This is where I was at on the 26th of June. Since then I finished most of the macaw's head and some of the pink feathers that make up it's shoulder. Not awesome progress, but its something :-D.

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