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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

March Shenanigans

We are coming up on St Patricks Day. For many this means a day to imbibe, get red faced and be merry. For me this means the anniversary of passing the nursing licensing exam and the confirmation that I would be able to continue having a job. It also marks the onset of spring. This will be our first spring in the new home and I am excited to see the greenery coming out on the farm and watching (maybe even helping) Jon put in his gardens. 

However, today we have gotten about a foot of very wet heavy snow and I am also off work. I just worked a 6 day stretch and am very uninterested in doing much of anything. I was awake at 5 am, but stayed in bed reading the news and snoozing for a bit. Then the power (and my internet) went out for a few minutes so I got up. The dogs and I went outside and jumped around in the snow for a bit. I shoveld the walk. They did not help. We then stood in the kitchen for a bit. Then there was another cavorting trip to the outdoors. Then impoortant-seeming phonecalls to ensure adult things were adressed. The cat and Jon came down to break up the party. There was general confusion for a bit as the cat was trying to help with the project and thus was taken outside to be reminded how distasteful it is to have to live somewhere other than here.

An egg sandwich was then made and destroyed. I took to the couch to complete a project. 

I have finished the April installation of the "Fun Every Day!" calendar from Sam*Sarah. Sadly, Patti Connor, the artist, has retired from stitching. So here is the photo of my finish from today:

So now, over the course of 3 years I have successfully completed 4 months totalling 16 tags. What might be the chances I will finish this project this year? Probably not very good.

I have been working on The Bramble and the Rose but do not have a photo update at this time. Not much more to say on that!

I shall now begin the May series for the calendar. It is a good day for stitching.

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