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Thursday, January 19, 2023

Fast Forward a Year

A lot has happened and a lot of it precluded time spent with my hobbies. The whole of 2022 was the sum of a series of epic happenings. I left a job I loved with an environment I found intolerable and moved to a job I love with coworkers to match. I moved from NY to VT. I sold a lovely little house and bought a large, impressive 200 year-old home - with the repairs to match. I lost a dog (miss you Leifr) and gained a rodent infestation. I went to the Grand Canyon - it is definitely grand! I feel like I spent half the year on hold with vendors and medical offices. But most importantly, I am happy to be living with Jon, my two dogs, my two cats and have an awesome stitching room:

The cats are happy because they apparently have each co-opted a queen sized bed:

The good news is that I have found a little time with the onset of the new year (mostly the inability to have access to contractors during hunting season) to get in some time for crafting. I did have two finishes in 2022 that I never posted. One was another in the alphabet series I have been working on and off over, I think, more than a decade now (oof). The other is a delightful Haloween quilt which will have a matching pumpkin facing the other direction (any time now):

I have made some progress over 2022 on the Red Bird project. I think I will need to purchase more of the green, but I am working through the rest of it for now:

And I started the letter P in the alphabet series and have rocked it in the last month (having the flu for a week helped because I only had the energy to stitch for the few hours I was awake):

And today I finished most of a quilt top for a lap quilt I am working on. I just need to add a colorful boarder with a white-grey outer border:

I'm pretty proud of this quilt because I learned how to make the rounded flower corners in a quilt block. 

It is lovely having a room where I can relax and focus on making things. I need the quiet and space to re-ground myself. Also, the view out towards Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks is not to be trifled with.

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