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Friday, March 29, 2013

Stash Splash

Well here it is... the pile of stuff I got from this year's stitching retreat:
Patterns galore, silk threads, needle cases, a pair of scissors, notes cards, all sorts of stuff!! Now I need to neatly put it all into my disturbingly large stash pile.

This is one of the projects we did in class. I was able to finish it not long after the retreat.
It was a blast working this project from Olde Colonial Designs.

On the second day we started a project from Amy Bruecken Designs. I've only just started this one, but will post something when I get it done.

We had a great time, as always, with lots of laughter, plenty of chocolate and great designers! Thanks again to Jan and the crew for putting on a stellar weekend for another year... this was my 6th :-).

1 comment:

Syd said...

Jenn - Now my fingers are itching to get my needlebook stitched and finished!