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Friday, March 29, 2013

A Small Finish

Nope I still haven't gotten photos of the stuff from the retreat... although I thought about it. Then I forgot.

Instead I finished the retreat sampler from this year:
I was poking around trying to find some floss last night and came across the unfinished retreat sampler from 2012, so I started working on that last night. I should be able to finish that today (I hope) and assemble it with the pincushion box that I _finally_ got from Gail (my fault, not hers).

I also got around to getting an image of the WIP I've been focusing on. My mom picked this up for me when she was visiting the national parks in the Southwest US. It's a pretty neat little project and doesn't involve much thinking, so it's a great road project.
Anyhow, since I have no idea when I might get around to the photos of my stuff from the retreat, I would like to say that mom did a great job at the retreat. I was really proud of her...she had a lot of new things to learn and had a blast doing it. She only got frustrated a few times. Now if I can just get her to stop crowding me ;-).

Hopefully more to come soon!

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