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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Project Completion

Yes! I finished a project. Well it was a few weeks ago, but I can't go around rushing these updates or it would seem too much like work and too little like hobby.

 So, this is Live By the Sun. It's a Mill Hill beading and cross stitch pattern. I have a few more of these and am looking forward to doing them all. It was really fun and actually quick to stitch.
The nice thing about this is that I thought I wouldn't be able to stitch because I recently had rotator cuff surgery. It turns out it was pretty good therapy to keep my shoulder from seizing with the lack of other mobility. I had to really focus on keeping my stitching sessions short and trying to only use the hand under the fabric without moving it too much. I'm happy to report that my followup appointment went swimmingly today, so I'm planning to keep going with the stitching :-).

I have been working on the Bramble and the Rose from Ink Circles a lot lately. I don't have an updated photo of it right now, but I have made a huge amount of progress on it. I haven't done much in the last couple of weeks because the summer is heating up and I actually don't like stitching much in the warm weather, mostly because I feel like I'm sweating all over my project. I am planning to do some work on that project tonight if it cools off a little though.